Monday, May 7, 2007

Blog #3

My boyfriend is a twat-
I didn’t enjoy this site nearly as much as the Greek tragedy one. I had to read several of the blogs to even get a sense/background of what I was reading about. How funny that even the blogger, Zoe, mentioned that one of her blogs was a ‘really, really, crap post.” I kind of agreed because I had no idea what she was really talking about. I thought the “Wine vs. Water” argument was somewhat amusing, although I’m not a huge wine fan (I must say I thought of all the wine/drinking stories that Professor Bousquet had in class, ha!). This one entry about water and wine said that water essentially makes you poo, a lot. This entry had 81 responses on the website which were just as humorous, one especially made me chuckle: “But... but... what if you like poo?” I think I’ll still be drinking plenty of water, so you can only imagine. Alright, I’m starting to sound like the people that blogged on the website, so I better stop.
Alright, since this was my last blog I must say I kind of enjoyed reading what everybody had to say and looking at some (not all) of the blogs that were on the syllabus. I have continued to look at the ones I enjoyed initially and will probably continue to look at them when i'm bored. We'll see. Lastly, I thought Emily's comment was interesting in looking at how improvement of technology has led to people expressing their feelings in blogs or other type of interactive journals when it used to be writing in the form of a journal or diary. However, I still keep a hand-written diary that I update regulary and enjoy much better than blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is so funny how people's interests vary. I had checked out "My Boyfriend is a Twat" before reading your post and didn't like it. I should say that it wasn't a bad blog--it had a great appearance and all--it was just that I did not find was what said interesting/entertaining.

Yet you found some of the stuff on there to be good and funny. You even thought the responses to be funny, and I thought the responses were more useless than the posts themselves!

It just goes to show that all interests can be (and probably are) satisfied somewhere in the blogosphere, and I think it's great. And it is for this reason that I am so glad blogging is becoming more and more commonplace. Humor plays such an important role in one's life, and I'm happy to see that blogs like "Boyfriend" have and serve a significant purpose.