Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Great Gender Divide

After reviewing the personal blogs suggested by Bousquet, I agreed with Danny when he said that there was a much larger female blogger community than male. But, the article by Susan C. Herring, Inna Kouper, Lois Ann Scheidt, and Elijah L. Wright, Women and Children Last: The Discursive Construction of Weblogs, argues that there are actually more male adult bloggers than female, and back it up with empirical data, seemingly voiding Danny's statement. But, when they separated the sample by age, they found that there were more women bloggers in the younger demographics. The younger women that dominate that age group may be more drawn to blog about personal and lifestyle topics which may be why that conclusion was drawn from the provided sample. Just a thought. Here's a quote and a link to the full article.
A number of people who maintained online journals in the mid-1990s have
since switched to using blog software, further blurring the distinction between
the two. From the outset, online journals, like the tradition of hand-written
diaries they draw from, have been associated with women (McNeil, 2003). Flynn
(2003) describes the rise of online communities of women journaling about weight
loss, illness, pregnancy, child rearing, and other topics of special concern.
Women (and men) also journal about events in their everyday lives.

1 comment:

Danny said...

I am glad you agreed with me, because I still cannot see it another way.