This postsecret blog is unbelievable! The anonymity that the internet provides produces some amazing results. I'm glad that they provide help - through the suicide prevention hotline - but I wonder what they do if they received a "sensitive" confession, say the confession of a, forgive the lack of a better example, a terrorist attack, or some other kind of high profile crime. I'd hate to be the one weighing the options between two confessions. i can see it now:
"Well, the molestation confession with a revenge murder secret is hard hitting and thought provoking, but we need something to lighten today's posting. How about that confession of the girl that likes to get pee'd on!"

yikes! disturbing...
These are the exact same two postcards that caught my eye when I was writing my post. There seems to be a need for balance to suite everyone's personal, emotional, and entertainment needs.
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